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Mask Protection Efficiency

Infographics such as the one below does not do justice to anything, by offering over-generalised conclusions, and without backing conclusions with research nor specificity:


VarsoyHealthcareInfographic JL240420 EUldH7mUMAAlh-G.jpg.png



For instance, if you would look at the above infographic, how would it be possible to claim that N95 Respirators offer protection against 95% of viruses, when there is no reference to the currently relevant Covid-19 of 0.06 micron to 0.14 micron, and whereas N95 Respirators can only offer protection in respect of particles of at least 0.10 micron?

By the same token, how would it be possible to claim that Cloth Mask, or Fabric Mask, does not offer any protection at all, or offers 0% protection against viruses, when there are so many types of fabrics available for use, and certainly not all fabrics are incapable of offering protection?
+ the Cambridge University as cited above certainly invalidates this incorrect claim


Growing Global Validation

if the preceding sharing is not yet deemed sufficient, consider the following:

+ the World Health Organization (WHO) has reversed its position by now recommending the use of Fabric Masks

+ similarly, US authorities have also reversed its position and have recommended Americans to wear Fabric Masks

+ the Malaysian Ministry of Health has also recently recommended to the Malaysian public to wear Fabric Masks as additional protection, and also so as to reserve Disposable Masks for frontlines

+ the Japanese Government has started to distribute 2 pieces of Fabric Masks per household to its over 50,000,000 households

+ the Singapore Government has distributed millions of pieces of Fabric Masks to its citizens


Our Conviction as Responsible Fabric Technologists

As a responsible company, we are committed towards ensuring that our SafeMask Fabric Masks are of utility and will offer the required level of basic safety
at the time of writing, relevant fabrics of performance and with certification are being arranged for importation such that our next generation of SafeMask Fabric Masks will offer even better safety and protection

The current Covid-19 Pandemic is certainly unprecedented, and we will do our bit and our best to extend our expertise to assist

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